Handyman Services That Will Prevent Winter Home Damage
Winter is a great time for you and your family to stay cozy inside, but those plans can quickly get derailed with accidental fires, flooding due to clogged gutters, busted pipes, and more. That’s why is so important to properly prepare your home for the winter.
We’ve compiled a list of handyman services to save you time and money and help you avoid any preventable winter home damage.
Read on to learn maintenance tips that can save you money in costly repairs and keep your household safe this winter.
Preventing Freezing Pipes
The tiniest crack in a pipe can cause serious structural damage and hundreds of dollars in repairs. By planning ahead, you may reduce the risk of frozen pipes this winter.
Exposed pipes are very susceptible to freezing. Allowing water to drip from your faucets overnight might be all it takes to keep your pipes from freezing and protect your home from costly damage.
You can also keep the thermostat set to the same temperature both during the day and at night. By temporarily suspending the use of lower nighttime temperatures, you may incur a higher heating bill, but you can prevent a much more costly repair job if pipes freeze and burst. If you will be going away during cold weather, leave the heat on in your home and set it to a temperature no lower than 55° F.
Weatherstripping Windows and Doors
With winter comes cold and snow—and making sure your windows and doors are properly weatherstripped is crucial to protecting against mold or rot-related damage caused by excessive moisture.
Check to see if your weatherstripping has a good enough seal for the upcoming winter. If new weatherstripping is needed, it is important to remove the old, ineffective weatherstripping before installing the new.
Weatherstripping can be done around all exterior doors and windows—especially doors that lead into garages and attics because they’re more likely to be exposed to the elements.
Gutter Cleaning
There still may be leaves and debris from the fall months hanging out in your gutters, and that refuse can eventually trap moisture, cause a clog, and damage your gutter system—leading to flooding in your home.
To avoid expensive and extensive damage, clean your gutters to provide an easy flow for any melting ice or snow that may come during a winter storm.
If you don’t have the time or expertise to complete this maintenance project, using local handyman services is a great way to mark items off your home to-do list safely and efficiently.
Roofing Repair
Just like with gutters, those pesky fallen leaves from autumn can cause damage to your roof. It’s important to clean up any debris to prevent the moisture it holds from rotting your roof. Rotting roofs may introduce the risk of water damage, mold, and more.
It’s also important to check for leaks, damaged shingles, and damaged roof flashing. Old caulking should also be replaced and overhanging trees that can damage your roof should be trimmed.
If you have a chimney, be sure to do your annual inspection which is a common requirement for homeowner’s insurance.
Test Your Smoke Detectors
We know checking your smoke detectors should be done all throughout the year—however, nearly a third of all house fires occur in the winter, according to the U.S. Fire Administration.
There are increased risks of fire during the winter due to heating, candles, holiday decorations, and more. Smoke alarms save lives, so help reduce your risk of fire by making sure your detectors are working properly and have a fresh set of batteries.
Properly preparing your home for the winter is a great way to avoid maintenance surprises and will provide you peace of mind as you head into the winter months. If you’re ready to start prepping your home for winter, Home Care & Repair’s handyman services can help you tackle just about any improvement, repair, or maintenance project.
Home Care & Repair’s professional handyman services keep you in control of your small home improvements and repair projects and provide a worry-free experience when it comes to quality workmanship, fair pricing, and your safety. To learn more, please visit our website or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.